under construction
The uploader (photographer, author, authorized person) is the publisher.
Agentur Schwimmer is a curated platform.
The uploader is responsible for his images. The agency does not take any responsibility concerning the rights connected with the images.
Uploading images means to accept our terms and conditions.
The website works on a non-profit base: In the moment the income exceeds maintanance costs, a non-profit structure (german: gemeinnütziger Verein) will be founded. Beforehand we keep administration on the lowest possible standart. Financial records may be inspected on demand.
We start with a 20:80 sharing of honorary fees: agency/uploader.
On a base of collaboration experience and trust new members may be included to the core team.
We take no responsibility on stolen images: We do what we can according to the measures of our organisation, to keep the rights of all people or organisations involved with the imagery. We decide in which case we use legal instruments towards copyright infringement.